4-8 Resource Teacher

Ss. Peter & Paul Catholic School - Omaha



Name of Facility: Saints Peter and Paul Catholic School
3619 X Street
Omaha, Nebraska

Submitted By

Name: Casey Wildman
Email: cwildman@omahacsc.org


Department: Special Education
Reports to: Principal

Principal Duties and Responsibilities

Sts. Peter and Paul is accepting applications for a 4-8 Resource teacher for the 2025-2026 school year. The position requires the support of resource instruction of 4th through 8th grade students which include pushing into the classrooms for reading and math instruction as well as individual instruction. Additionally, the resource teacher assists the principal with progress monitoring, ESL/Title III testing and helping to manage the SAT process for 4-8 students.


Knowledge, Skills, and Abilities
Valid NE teaching certificate. Applicants must be knowledgeable in elementary education. Ideal applicants will be practicing Catholics with strong classroom management skills and ESL experience.

Education and Experience
Qualified applicants will hold a current Nebraska teaching certificate with an endorsement in K-6 Elementary, ESL instruction, reading and/or any other relevant endorsement area. Experience working with ESL students in a resource environment is preferred.

Application Instructions

Please send resume and letter of interest to cwildman@omahacsc.org